I am a learner

3 min readMay 24, 2021

Hello all, I just wanted to share something about my last couple of days

So for the last year (woohoo) I’ve been doing yoga. It’s been so lovely, for my physical, mental and emotional health. Miles better than the gym (TO ME). Just overall a great experience

A couple of days ago I was looking for a yoga practice for the day and searched in ‘yoga to feel happy’ cause I needed a bit of that.

Now for the last year I’ve been practicing my yoga with this babe on YouTube – ‘Yoga with Adriene’. She’s THEE most popular yoga youtuber, she comes up whenever you search for a yoga practice and she has tons of subscribers. And I’ve enjoyed her practices, so I’ve never looked elsewhere. By now, I can say I’ve done at least 80% of all her videos so it’s mainly repeating them for me now, which I don’t mind, you can always improve after all

Okay back to the day I searched ‘yoga to feel happy’, as usual a yoga with Adriene video came up, but I also just decided to try someone else’s video, just to see if I can keep up with a different practice than what I’m used to. So I did Adriene’s video then moved on to this other babe — Cat Meffan

My dears




You see, I’ve gotten comfortable. Really I thought I had arrived, I’m not perfect by any means but my progress is still impressive (TO ME) so I thought it couldn’t be that difficult


I realised while struggling to contort my body into all these shapes that I am STILL a learner oh. I fell, I swore at her, I paused the video, I actually switched off the tv at a point like ‘Fuck you I’m not doing again’ but I ended up finishing it, which I’m proud of. I didn’t think I was a pro but still I didn’t expect that practice to kick my ass the way it did. And she also said that practice was for people in all levels oh, as per she expects beginners to be able to do it too.


What have I been learning from this? That I am still a learner, but also that there’s so many ways to do the same thing. So many different outlooks to the same thing. And I’ve always known that in theory but that was a practical lesson for me for sureee.

So I will be trying all other yoga practices now. For the different experiences, for the different things I can pick out from these practices that I didn’t have a clue about before. Not to say Adriene is a bad teacher, I still prefer her by far, but different experiences are always fun. And I want to take that outlook into my life. I’m not usually particularly looking to try new things, or even to meet new people. I’m comfortable the way I am now, in my own little bubble, but I guess you can always branch out from time to time. Because you only live once! It brings to mind a quote from a book by my favourite (yes absolute favourite) author – Michael J. Sullivan

“Take my advice, live your life to the fullest. Breathe the air, taste the wine, kiss the girls, then never forget that the tales of another are never as wondrous as adventures of your own.”

Excerpt From

Emerald Storm

Michael J. Sullivan

So here’s to living life to the fullest! To having adventures, breathing the air, tasting the wine, smoking the weed, kissing the men. Even if it’s just one yoga practice at a time.

